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ACPA Workshops


Live sessions. Independent work. Deeper comprehension.

ACPA Workshops are in-depth and interactive virtual trainings led by ACPA Regional Engineers and members.  They are scheduled from 2-4 hours and hit upon a wide variety of topics that range from installation, inspection, manufacturing, safety, and other topics relevant to drainage products.  Workshops are more intensive and interactive than webinars and often involve a combination of instruction, discussion, and assessment.

The ACPA provides Workshops on a national level and works with our members to help provide them on a local level.  All Workshop materials have been first reviewed by the ACPA engineering staff.


Workshops are typically $25 per event but prices can vary depending on the topic, speaker, and number of workshops being offered.


Earning PDHs The ACPA proudly offers professional development hours (PDHs) for the workshops we provide. To receive a PDH, participants must individually register, participate, and attend at least 50 minutes of each hour of the Workshop.  We use a mixed platform for Workshops including Zoom and an LMS software.  To allow us to accurately monitor the participation and length of time a participant has been in the Workshop, we require all participants to log into the LMS and Zoom.  PDHs are issued within two weeks after the Workshop has concluded.
PDH Acceptance The ACPA only provides Workshops we believe meet the requirements worthy of issuing PDHs, but it is up to each participant to ensure the individual Workshop meets the requirements as put forth by the licensing board in his/her state. 


There are currently no upcoming workshops.




PDHs Offered:  

ACPA Workshops

  • National
  • Local/Regional


More workshops coming soon!


More workshops coming soon!

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