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Safety is our Priority

Embracing the Challenge of #SafetyAlways
Creating and maintaining a positive and resilient safety culture is done by thinking of safety within every moment in time. The American Concrete Pipe association believes it to be important to not just put safety first, it is important that we practice and think of safety always.
Listen to a message from ACPA Safety Committee Chair, Todd Marciniak, regarding the importance of safety. 


Safety Month

June is national safety month and it gives us the opportunity to remember to make safety a priority.  With construction and production season in full swing, now is as important as ever to ensure that safety processes, procedures, and awareness are all in place.

Safety Month in 2024 at the ACPA is about pushing safety forward by recalling its importance.  To celebrate, every week during Safety Month, the ACPA will be providing new safety tools and resources to ensure a safer work environment.