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Member Leadership

The ACPA is a member-driven association made up of small, medium, and large concrete pipe and box culvert producers.  Our member leadership has a strong tradition of inspiring and engaging members from all producers and driving the industry forward. 

Executive Committee

Mark McCormick

Dunn Utilities

John Rainero
Vice Chairman

Permatile Concrete Products


David Marchbanks

Gossett Concrete Pipe

Eric Jensen

Jensen Infrastructure

Thomas G. Hartley
Immediate Past Chair

Rinker Materials

Board of Directors

Daniel Buehler
Associate Representative

Adam Disbrow
At-Large Representative
Rinker Materials

Thomas Hartley | Chairman
At-Large Representative
Rinker Materials

Steve Hoesing | Immediate Past Chair
Central Region Representative
County Materials Corporation

Scott Hofer
At-Large Representative
Oldcastle Infrastructure

Branimir Kovac
West Region Representative
Thompson Pipe Group

David Marchbanks | Secretary
At-Large Representative
Gossett Concrete Pipe

Mark McCormick | Vice Chairman
Individual Member Representative
Dunn Utilities

Mark Omelaniec
CAN Region Representative
The Langley Concrete Group

John Rainero | Treasurer
At-Large Representative
Permatile Concrete Products

David Swenson
Associate Representative
Eastern States Steel Corporation

Bill Washabaugh
NE Region Representative
Northern Concrete Pipe

Alan Zipperer
SE Region Representative
Diamond Concrete Products

Committee Chairs

Aimee Connerton
Education Committee
Rinker Materials

Adrianna Lash
Infrastructure Committee
Rinker Materials

Corey Haeder, P.E.
Research Committee
Rinker Materials

Thomas Hartley
Audit Committee
Rinker Materials

Jake Jyrkama, P.E.
Quality Committee
Rinker Materials

Todd Marciniak 
Safety & Environmental Committee
Northern Concrete Pipe

Jennifer Schaff, P.E.
Marketing Committee
County Materials Corporation

John Susong, P.E.
Government Relations Committee
Rinker Materials

Edward Page, P.E.
Technical Committee
Concrete Pipe & Precast

David Swenson
Associate Committee
Eastern States Steel Corporation

Bill Washabaugh
Sustainability, Resilience, & Environmental Leadership Committee
Northern Concrete Pipe