Information, tools, and resources for inspecting concrete pipe.
The ACPA offers a variety of inspector training opportunities to its members and industry partners throughout the year. The below is a list of information, tools, and resources that you can use as inspector.
In addition to the provided resources, below are some additional industry resources that are useful in the inspection process:
Pipe Installation 2.0 (Amster Howard) – Emphasizes the geotechnical aspects of water, wastewater, stormwater, and irrigation pipe installations.
AASHTO R73 – Standard Practice for Evaluation of Precast Concrete Drainage Productions.
ASTM C1840 – Standard Practice for Inspection and Acceptance of Installed Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Storm Sewer Pipe.
AASHTO Guide Specification for Construction – See Appendix X5
Fill Height Tables
The ACPA’s Fill Height Tables are tools that have been developed using the indirect design method in accordance with Section of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification, 9th Edition.
View Fill Height Tables.
Installation Manual
This manual presents a guide for the proper installation of concrete pipe and addresses those factors critical to the completion of the entire system, from delivery of the concrete pipe to the jobsite, to the acceptance of the installed pipeline.
Download the Installation Manual.
Post-Installation Evaluation & Repair
This document provides descriptions of basic repair methods that can help guide the contractor and/or owner in selecting and reviewing possible repair methods. Can provide the evaluation team and the contractor with a reasonable approach to economically evaluate what defects are in need of repair.
Download the Post Installation Manual.
Installation Dos & Don'ts
Concrete Pipe Installation Procedures briefly outline some important steps in concrete pipe installation. They are intended only as a guide and do not replace or supersede project specifications or contract documents.Installation Dos and Don’ts.
Guide for Unloading & Handling
Unloading of pipe should be coordinated with the construction schedule and installation sequence. This document provides further insights in the unloading, handling, and stockpiling of concrete pipe.Download the guide.