Chelsea Fitzgerald
Based out of the Des Moines area, Chelsea has been a member of the ACPA team since 2022. In her role as a Marketing Manager, Chelsea's duties encompass a wide array of responsibilities, including but not limited to: assisting in the development and upkeep of web content, boosting the visibility of the ACPA and the concrete pipe industry on various social media platforms, contributing to the creation and enhancement of newly branded materials, ensuring data integrity, and tackling other tasks within the realm of marketing.
"A couple months after I started this job, my husband and I were driving down the highway and I said, 'Hey look, it's a box culvert!' Before joining the ACPA, I would've never noticed or understood the importance of this big grey box, let alone the impact it has on our infrastructure. I'm proud to be part of an industry that has our future in mind, with its focus being on creating sustainable products."
Fun Fact:
I spent over a decade in the healthcare field, but my true passion lies in DIY projects and figuring things out!